Its saturday and now is the only time and tomorrow i get to blog about my past 2 days. My 3 days of being a trainee was fun! i got to do alot of stuff especially on the 3rd day (Friday) where the kids at school had programs and the staff were having a vote for the well decorated office award and iv been handling 2 office which are the Library and the accounting office. So its was tiring too cause nobody knew it was the judging day! so everybody were freaking out and working fast especially everybody at the accounting office were busy for the payroll and i get to decorate it and 3 of my co workers helped me. while in the library where the hectic part was because of kids were sooo high and fun of course they had a program and they used the library for preparation area. Me and Miss Maan the preschool librarian were sooo full! Kids were every where. The sad part was i only had a glimpse of their program which was their Skills demo where they show what they have learned in school.
here's some pix:
They all went crazy when mickey mouse starts to sing..

After 30 mins of hard talk with them to seat and settle down they did..whew..

Pre-school library lots of book to record..

And mickey sings again..ugh...

Meet some of the kids!


Aleg- stylish one. aha

Caught her stealing books from the teachers section!

My officemate's son, Lian

Yummy Mathew! quite snobbish actualei..

And yes still bottle fed.

Skills demo. sorry about the shot.. i was in hurry.aha

Have to decorate the office with these guys. aha
Why the weird pose? he was dancing thats why..


And my bag. Its my mom's.