I was really starting to give up on not completing my cases because of work and no time of course but thanks to my bebeng which really pushed me to complete it, i finally did! And one of my Red Crosss instructor who was able to get me my hospital schedule possible! THANK YOU GUYS!!
It was a one day full of IV insertion, IV push and BT. I really had fun, i miss being a nurse :( its like a day of reminiscing my old days. I will be a nurse again soon i just need to save up and start to work my nursing experience hopefully fast! ahaha being a nurse in philippines is sooooo expensive!
After my half day work got home and ate,got dressed, wore my 1ST YEAR COLLEGE UNIFORM! I really cant believe it but it still fits me! ahaha i looked like a student again! I felt like a kid! it was funny wearing my school uniform again. And what i miss most whenever i wore this uniform, are my friends from school.:"( I miss studying:( i miss so many things when i was still in college. this uniform made me sad eventhough im smiling at this picture.

The Whole Gang!
My fellow completion people ahaha
It was my first time able to chat, laugh, fool around with strangers fast!
After being introduce with this people we got together easily really FAST!
felt that i already known them for so long! aha i had fun with them one in a
million people i have ever met.

My preceptor, another one in a million person iv ever met.
Never had a instructor thats sooooo sweet as a candy! haha
A very jolly girl, felt she was just a "Dalaga" because of the way she
treats her staff and the patients. Even though i made a mistake she
apologized to me, ya! I dunno why but she did and she even says I Love You
to me after that and even to her staff as well. So sweet! really appreciate her so much!
Plus,she is really good in what she does. She knows what she's doing and a very
good educator as well. Instructs us very clearly and detailed. Even help us
process our papers. A very genuine person. And im so honored to meet such person.
It was a Happy day today!